Sunday, September 23, 2012

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 looking at the Chufei Yan, tears immediately flooded out.
Li Hong Standing in the dark, looking at the Nine Mile River fire, silently thinking mind.
Yan Liang holding the Li Hong leather adorned sub softly came.
Li Hong tightly around the wrapped leather adorned,nfl apparel, smiled: Adults stay up? Hong Li looked at the distant land of fire, suddenly asked: Fresh auxiliary Wada re-take over.
Hong Li laughed. Yan Liang went to one side a little bit embarrassed.
He slept, he has figured out directly back to the State of Zhongshan did not sleep, he Zhuojun there ideas but nfl indeed powerful, he should be willing to hit me with the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers to FY cavalry. Originally he is to win the Bureau, if Chu Feiyan now arrived at the Nine Mile River, dead why Chu Feiyan timing is so inappropriate it? Li Hong, frowning and shaking his head asked, puzzled.
Li Hong Haozhengyixia laughed.
He took his troops marched forage baggage, the swagger to Dingxing ferry away.
Li Hong did not catch up, and did not intend to lay siege to Ferry DingXing, but to command troops rushed to the Nine Mile River battlefield, buried the remains of his comrades Yellow Turban army because and hatred everywhere discarded the remains of the fallen soldiers of the government troops. Li Hong and soldiers resented straight teeth.
Nine Mile River war fresh in the auxiliary and Yan Rou bring the the troops suffered heavy losses,hockey jerseys for sale, and fresh in silver and iron ax Yanzhao song also lost two forces were only 800. According to the old w

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