Tuesday, June 19, 2012

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The ceremony would be very smooth, although the attack did not succeed, the bishop seemed so shaken in silly nonsense after night star salute and nba ready to retire, then it is dinner time.
On the night of star nba come next has not yet had time to discuss, an old man holding the glass over.
Then, he picks the nba right-hand line a kiss on the hand.
The old man said, rushed evening star nodded slightly.
Night Star said, holding out the left hand with Charles shook, and then quickly withdraw back.
Then, He took a glass table, walked into the bathroom to take advantage of the surrounding people do not pay attention.
Call ......... so difficult. His cup of wine poured in the right hand on the back of the hand, fighting back wound came the giant pain smiled to himself, then reached for the toilet paper on the next hand soaked dressing in your hand. This only the glass on the floor, then swaggered out.
Outside, are Charles and nba chat. The nba looks already very used to this official courtesy, it seems no problem like dressed in military uniforms around the senior officers, more attention to his face after all intelligence for the country, the most important thing is the military aspect,air jordan fusion 6, whether carried arms to update or obtain research funding or accurate intelligence is essential information.
The evening star to join, for these soldiers, so no doubt a shot in the arm if he could on the military side, then it is almost certain to sit back and relax.
In turn, if he stood on the Government side, the core of the monitor military intelligence, then these soldiers is the greatest threat.
Evening star again swept them, then walked back to the side of the nba, red Charles beckoned.
Former Minister of the Interior asked, surprised.
Night star sorry smiled, and then gently hold the hand of the nba, nba reflection of you want to get angry, but eventually restrain his anger.
See looked no one noticed them,football jerseys, Charles said in a low voice.
Night star to indicate the nba go to military greeting, the way to help themselves to please these annoying guy walked a casual pace, followed by Charles went to the venue next to.
Originally thought that the other side to find their own to talk about political issues, but not Charles actually showing a benignant smile while watching the evening stars, night star rather puzzled, but also a bit distraught. Charles then down the questioning, however, he knot strong

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